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5.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları MEB Yayınları Sayfa 83 Cevapları

7- a) Look at the picture and answer the questions. (Resime bakın ve soruları cevaplayın.)

What is the matter with him?
He has a broken arm.
What should he do?
He should go to doctor.

b) Look at the pictures and talk about the people (Resimlere bakın ve kişiler hakkında konuşun.)

1) Lucy has a cough. She should see a doctor.
2) Mert has a backache. He shouldn’t carry heavy things.
3) Julia has a stomachache. She should go to a doctor.
4) Ezgi has a toothache. She should go to a dentist.
5) Nora has an earache. She should have a rest.

5.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları MEB Yayınları Sayfa 84 Cevapları

8- Look at the notes and make sentences. (Notlara bakın ve cümleler yapın)

1) We shouldn’t eat chocolate.
2) We should drink milk everyday.
3) We should have breakfast.
4) We should brush our teeth.
5) We should wash our hands.
6) We shouldn’t eat hamburger.
7) We shouldn’t drink coke.
8) We should sleep nine hours a day.
9) We shouldn’t play online games.

5.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları MEB Yayınları Sayfa 85 Cevapları

9- Match the situations with the suggestions. (Durumlarla önerileri eşleştiriniz.)

1) I have a soreth roat. E) You shouldn’t drink cold water.
2) I have a terrible pain in my back. A) You shouldn’t carry heavy things.
3) I have a toothache. D) You should see a dentist.
4) I feel cold. C) You should get a blanket.
5) I have a runny nose. B) You should buy some tissues.

Soru da bilgiden doğar, cevap da 

Hz. Mevlana
